6 Life-Improving Advantages Of Playing Tennis

I’ve performed Tennis for over 40 years, and I still love it. So many good things have come to me because of this sport. Some are easy to figure out, but others have surprised me. Tennis is a sport that can be performed by almost anyone, no matter how old or skilled they are.

I started in my teens, and now that I’m getting close to 60, I’m still going strong. If I can help, I have no plans to put down my racquet. This article lists six of the best things about Tennis I’ve noticed over the many years I’ve played.

6 Benefits of Playing Tennis

It’s Cool

The main causes why Tennis is so popular is because it’s a fun way to spend time. The sport has many different parts, like strategy and tactics, learning, physical activity, socializing, and friendly competition.

If they could choose between sitting at home and watching TV or running around and playing Tennis in the fresh air, many people would pick up their tennis racket and head to a court because it’s so much more fun.

When it comes to physical exercise, I’ve always found it hard to work out regularly in a gym or go jogging because those things are boring and repetitive. Tennis is an easier form of exercise because you’re always doing something and never have to think about it.

You stay physically fit and healthy.

Several studies have found that playing Tennis is good for your physical health in many ways. They include good things like:

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  • Improves aerobic capacity
  • Reduces blood pressure and heart rate pressure at rest:
  • speeds up reactions and makes bones stronger
  • cuts down on body fat
  • Strength, tonality, and flexibility of muscles are all improved.
  • It gives you more energy for physical activities.


Tennis is surprisingly cheap when it comes to hobbies and pastimes.

All you need is the following:

  • A racquet (many affordable options are generally available)
  • Balls (inexpensive)
  • Some shoes and clothes that fit (affordable options are generally available)
  • A place to play (which can often be booked for a low cost or even be free)

Tennis doesn’t have to be cheap, but it often is. You can join a private club and buy an expensive racket if you want to. Some people won’t mind spending more if they get into the sport. But if you want to play, you don’t have to spend much money.


I’ve always spent a lot of time with my friends doing sports, and Tennis is no different. The initial thing I do when I move to a new city is join a team; right away, I meet fun and interesting people. This is how I sometimes meet new people I want to hang out with on and off the court.

Tennis teams, clubs, or even a loose group of players are great places to find out about the area and meet useful people. Before I do anything else, if I need somebody to trim a tree, look for a great Indian restaurant, or need a nice property lawyer, I will request around at Tennis. Someone will tell me where to go or who to call.

Reduces Pressure

Tennis is not only good for your body, but there is a lot of evidence that it can be good for your mind. Physical activity changes the brain’s chemicals, like serotonin and endorphins, which can make you feel less stressed, anxious, or depressed.

There have been many talks about how the game has hurt some professional players’ mental health. But as an enthusiastic amateur, I know that after a hard day at work, I can feel emotionally and mentally frazzled, but after a few hours on the golf course at night, I can feel calm and re-energized.

Appropriate for novices and experts alike

Like I said before, the greatest thing about Tennis is that people of all ages and skill levels can play it. Younger players will learn to work as a team, be a good sport, think strategically, and have confidence in themselves. Tennis can help keep older people in good physical shape and bring them together with other people.

There are also variations, like wheelchair tennis, for people with problems with their bodies. Even though it’s not always easy to find other players with the same skill level as you, I’ve found that joining the local USTA team could work well because you normally play against people with the same skill level.

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