6 New Email Marketing And Customer Relationship Management Features For Autoraptor Dealerships

AutoRaptor already has a lot of great marketing options, and we’re excited to tell you about some new email marketing tools for car dealerships that you’ll find on our platform. You will soon be able to use these services. Target Marketing is the name of a very easy-to-use email marketing tool that we’ve made. This product was made based on what our dealers told us would work best.

Target marketing is a way to tell specific groups about new products or services without making it look like you’re sending an email to everyone on your contact list. For example, if people are looking for a certain make and model of car and one becomes available, you could use the information on each sign-up sheet to send an email to just those people.

The good thing is that you can do all of these things in AutoRaptor by clicking on the up-to-sheet tab. Let’s take a closer look at the auto dealership email marketing features that come with this new tool, which we are sure will make more customers happy. New tools for email marketing are designed to help car dealerships do well.

1. Create templates in advance

Even though you can use target marketing to submit effective plain text messages, one of the best things about it is that you can make beautiful and professional templates ahead of time. These templates can then be used to reach different customers who might be interested in or looking for the same things.

At the moment, only administrators can make new templates or changes to ones already there. Still, people who aren’t admins can add a personalized message to a template. This makes it possible to talk to certain people in a more targeted and personalized way.

You can also make draft templates and complete them later if you need to add finishing touches or make changes at the last minute. Administrators can, of course, change any template at any time. The template editor gives the car dealership’s email marketing many options, such as the ability to drag and drop photos, add text and video, add social media buttons, and more!

2. Determine your target audience.

Using the numerous sub-tabs and filtration in the up sheets part of the system, you can tailor your audiences to your needs. This way, you can ensure that only the people you want to hear from will hear from you. You stopped sending emails to everybody on your mailing list all at once. Depending on your business’s credits, you can send as many or as few customized emails as you want.

3. All communications are handled centrally.

After making your choice and making any necessary changes to the email, you can send it right away from the dashboard of the up-sheet application, and the responses will return to the same place!

You no longer have to switch between different programs to send and get an email. This way, you’ll be able to keep track of all your correspondence in one place. This will create it easier for you to follow up and communicate with people in the future about your campaigns.

4. Run reports

Once you’ve set up a campaign, you can use the reporting tool to see how well it’s doing. Please keep track of the email messages sent, how many and what percentage have been delivered, how often they have been opened, how many have been sent back, and any other relevant information.

With this part of auto dealership email marketing, you will see how well your marketing efforts are working. You will be able to make changes if you don’t like how things turn out.

5. Send and receive text messages

One of the most interesting email marketing services for car dealerships that AutoRaptor offers is the ability to use Target Marketing with text messages instead of emails. This is the thing that makes AutoRaptor so popular.

If you already know how to get in touch with a customer through their texting account, you can do so immediately. The ordinary SMS response time is 90 seconds, so you’ll know right away if your work is making a difference or not. With these targeted messages, you might be able to close sales faster and build trust with your audience better.

6. Grow a deeper sense of customer loyalty

By making these changes to the email marketing platform for our car dealership, you will be able to build customer loyalty that is stronger and more reliable. Customers will be engaged when they receive communications made just for them.

Customers will think you look out for them and always have their best interests in mind. This will make them much more inclined to come to you when they are ready to buy or have concerns about specific automobiles or any other part of the buying process.

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