Between Apex Legends and its mobile version, various features such as characters, weapons, and maps are common. Both games are even set in the same world, but their feel is still different. Some new gameplay features are added to Apex Legends Mobile only.
These new features are so good that experts are suggesting Respawn use those in the console and PC versions of Apex Legends. The list of these features ranges from quality-of-life changes to new legends. This list is very long, and the topic that whether all these features should be added to Apex Legends. But some of these features are compatible with the original Apex Legends.
1. Favorites
Apex Legends helps players in adding emotes, music packs, quips, weapon skins, legend skins, holosprays, and transition screens in a favorite section to use them with a single click. The same favorite features are available for Apex Legends Mobile as well, with only a few changes. One of the biggest changes is in terms of legend skins which you can change before every match.
This feature isn’t available in the PC and console versions of Apex Legends. This happens before every match, and the currently-equipped skin will be used if the player doesn’t select one from the available options. Players now want a lot of cosmetic features of Apex Legends Mobile to come to console and PC versions.
2. Season Currency and Store

There is a separate seasonal currency and a seasonal store in Apex Legends Mobile. To earn the season currency, players have to complete seasonal challenges and play matches. Along with seasonal currency, there are some other seasonal rewards that you can get for free. During a season, the items in the seasonal store will change twice as well as with the launch of a new battle pass. The currency is also replaced with each new season.
Players have complete control over the reward of these seasonal events. Due to all these benefits, players are now looking towards developers to add seasonal currency and store to the console and PC versions. In the seasonal store, all the available stuff is divided into categories to help players in selecting the desired item without wasting any time. There is a monthly store for pc and console versions, but players want it replaced with the seasonal store.
3. Lobby Chat
Compared to the console or the PC version, players can easily find teammates to enjoy the mobile version of Apex Legends, all thanks to the lobby chat feature. Various filters are available in the chat section, such as rank, game modes, event challenges, etc., that you can use to find players with the same goals as yours.
This system isn’t perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction, and developers have to add it to Apex Legends. For players who don’t have a squad in Apex Legends Mobile, the lobby chat provides them with teammates of the same caliber in a short time.
4. Loot
The auto-loot feature in Apex Legends Mobile isn’t perfect, but its availability means that it will be updated in the future. Looting is a nightmare for PC and console players, and the addition of this feature will make their life a lot easier.
With this feature, the character automatically gets all the necessary loot once it moves close to a looting space. A large number of players were getting killed during the looting, but now it has completely changed.
5. Feedback
Players receive a questionnaire from developers every month, and they can answer it to share their feedback. Those who complete the survey receive currency as a reward.
Players can respond to these questions by typing to share details of any problems that occurred with them. With this player feedback, developers will be able to deliver better features to gamers. If you face any problems, just take to the questionnaire next month and share your feedback with developers.
6. Third-person mode

For now, the third-person mode is available in both Apex Legends console and pc, but players can access it in the firing range only. It is more like an Easter egg that is available for a limited time only. It is a cosmetic addition to the game for now.
After experiencing it, players now want a full fledge version of the third-person mode on all the available versions of the game. It is a difficult task, given the amount of tweaking required, but it isn’t entirely impossible.
7. New Legend Request Function
For some features, such as the favorite section, both mobile and standard versions of Apex Legends are the same, but in some features, Apex Legends mobile is way better.
One such feature is the character selection page. With this feature, players can request their favorite legend before entering a game, and no one else on the team will be able to request the same legend. In Apex Legends, no two teammates can get the same legend in a match. This is to ensure fair gameplay because characters have special abilities that can change the outcome of the battle.
When in a team, the Pc version of Apex legends shows all the preselected legends of each player as a small icon on the bottom of the screen. This comes in handy, but some players can still miss it. To address this situation, developers improved it in the mobile version, where an on-screen notification appears when a player wants to select the same character. In case you can’t get the desired legend, don’t wait for your teammates to comply with your request.
Because if you don’t select the character in a short time, the game will automatically assign you a character. This can be problematic, so the best option is to select another character before the match starts.
There is a better feature that developers can add to Apex Legends, which will address this situation. This feature will enable gamers to select a few characters and add them to a favorite list, so they don’t have to select a new character when their default is being used by someone else.